Current Publishing

Column: To Ginny and Herb

Worrell 0826

Dear Ginny and Herb Luzader,

I hope you will forgive me for taking the liberty of writing a column with you as subjects. I beg your pardon, please, for drawing attention to your dedicated volunteer service at the Carmel Clay Historical Society. I claim only the purest of motive for grabbing the spotlight and aiming it in your direction. Let’s just say this column is meant more for your many admirers, than it is for you. A chance for your friends to fondly remember your years of selfless service, even though I know talking to the press (me) is not your thing.

Sherri Judd should be the Luzader Fan Club Prez. She turned me on to you and said, “If you haven’t done a column on Ginny and Herb, you are missing out on two of the most dedicated volunteers I know. They are a couple of people who certainly are deserving of a ‘spotlight’ since retiring from CCHS.”

Executive Director Katherine Dill reports that Ginny and Herb volunteered at the Museum for decades. She said, “They are life members of the CCHS and up until this year, ran the museum guide program at the Monon Depot Museum – a National Register listed property.”

Everyone knows, without Guides, a museum cannot effectively accomplish its mission. So the Luzader team made sure the details were always handled; including taking personal care of the Guides. Dill said, “They always wanted to make sure their volunteers were well taken care of and felt appreciated. Each year they held a Guide Recognition Bruch at their home.”

Local business owner Melisa Keiser of the Carmel Travel Company said, “Ginny and Herb Luzader have been amazing, tireless volunteers for the Carmel Clay Historical Society for many years. I joined the CCHS Board as Treasurer, just after Herb Luzader left that position. He was so knowledgeable and very helpful in getting me settled in my new role. And, what can we say about Ginny? She was in charge of Docents at the museum for years and years. She and Herb have selflessly put so much of their time and energy into helping make CCHS what it is today. I applaud their contribution and public service.”

Ginny and Herb are also humble, as they quickly dismissed my interview request. But of course, that most likely is the reason they are so loved and definitely admired. Good day, Carmel.

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