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Funding, volunteers still needed for Noblesville Fireworks Festival

COM Fourth Assistance Culp


Just two and a half weeks to go and the City of Noblesville is in need of volunteers and financial donations for the annual July 4th Parade and Fireworks Festival.


To raise funds for the free event, the Noblesville July 4th Planning Committee has partnered with Citizinvestor to debut a new online program which allows citizens or businesses to make secure, online credit card donations of any amount. City Spokeswoman Cara Culp said this program is designed to provide residents with a way to easily donate and support the community activities they believe are meaningful. To donate, visit and click on Noblesville Fireworks Festival.

Culp said tax dollars are not used to pay for the fireworks display or the festival activities and entertainment. Culp said online donations do not charge credit cards until 100 percent of the $33,000 budget is met. Donations also may be mailed to Noblesville Fireworks Festival; c/o Noblesville City Hall; 16 S. 10th St.; Noblesville, 46060.

The city also is seeking volunteers to serve two-hour shifts.

“With it being a holiday it is generally hard to get volunteers. It’s always a bit of a struggle,” Culp said, adding available times are 3:30 to 5:30 p.m., 6 to 8 p.m. and 8 to 10 p.m.

For extra incentive, those that help with the holiday events will receive a free meal at the festival and be entered into the volunteer raffle for a chance to win $300, $200 or $100.

“It’s a way to give people another incentive to come out for two hours,” Culp said, adding those that volunteer for one shift get one ticket and those that serve two shifts get three tickets. “Volunteers are extremely important. We could not do the event without them. There’s no question about that.”

The majority of jobs involve greeting, assisting people with the children’s activities, monitoring the VIP and parking area or setting up the area. Those interested in volunteering are asked to contact Cindy Benedict at 770-2007 or

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