Current Publishing

Letter: Women can bring new life to service clubs


It’s obvious from the Current in Carmel story and picture why one local Kiwanis Club is stagnant – its membership doesn’t include any women.

In 1988, I was one of the three first female members to be inducted into the Bloomington Rotary Club, which had been entirely male since being founded in 1918. One local businessman, who left the club in protest, told me a year later when he rejoined the club that he had been wrong and that the female members had brought new life to Rotary.

Monroe County now has three active Rotary clubs, all of which include female members and all of which support numerous civic projects that enrich the community.

The Kiwanis and Lions clubs in Monroe County have also accepted women as members and are stronger than ever.

It’s not too late, gentlemen of Carmel Clay Kiwanis, to include women among your ranks and save your club.

Margaret Joseph Zimmerman, 46033

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