Current Publishing

Column: Understanding depression in men

Amin Chintan MD

Commentary By Chintan Amin, MD, IU Health Physicians Internal Medicine – North 

Chintan Amin, MD

Clinical depression is a disease that affects both women and men. In fact, it’s estimated that more than six million men in the United States suffer from depression. For both males and females, symptoms of depression include loss of interest in enjoyable activities, fatigue, appetite changes, difficulty sleeping and apathy.

When it comes to depression, the difference between men and women is often observed in how males and females express the symptoms. While women may tend to feel sad when they are depressed, cultural norms don’t easily permit men to express these same feelings. As a result, men suffering from depression may instead focus on the physical symptoms, such as feeling tired, rather than the emotional ones. They also may become irritable, less communicative, withdrawn and in some cases, more aggressive.

For these reasons, it can be difficult to diagnose depression in men. Even when exhibiting the signs and symptoms, many men may fail to recognize the problem as depression. A primary care doctor can help determine whether symptoms are a sign of depression or some other health concern. Some medications can cause side effects similar to the symptoms of depression, so if you take medication, it’s important to see your doctor to rule that out. A physician can also refer you to a psychiatrist or therapist, if signs point to depression. The good news is that depression can be treated successfully in more than 80 percent of people. Treatment methods may include antidepressant medications, psychotherapy or a combination of the two.

In addition to scheduling an appointment with a primary care doctor, there are some things that men – and women, for that matter – should keep in mind when considering ways to improve mental health and well-being:

Chintan Amin, MD, specializes in internal medicine. He is a guest columnist located at IU Health Physicians Internal Medicine – North, 11725 Illinois St., Ste. 325, in Carmel. He can be reached by calling the office at 688-5800.

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