Current Publishing

Work begins on Central Green

Rendering of future Central Green from 116th Street to Fishers Town Hall on Municipal Dr.

By Ann Craig-Cinnamon

The next time you zip by the Fishers downtown area with all the buildings going up, you’ll also see work being done on the green space. The project is called Central Green but could have a name change in the future according to Tom Dickey, the director of Community Development for the Town of Fishers.

Central Green is the green space from 116th Street to the Town Hall and includes a veteran’s memorial that was dedicated just last year. Dickey says that the Liberty Plaza veteran’s memorial was never fully completed because of funding issues and this project will finish it by adding a planned water fountain feature and enhanced lighting.

Once complete, the Central Green will be a landscaped pedestrian space connecting the developments along Municipal Drive. Improvements include the addition of 200 trees in double rows, space for public art and limestone benches with charging stations for mobile devices. Dickey says the idea is to create the sense of outdoor rooms.

He says the project will put the space to good use.

“It will turn that passive space into an active space. So, what it will add is a public gathering space where people can come during their lunch hour or as part of a morning run. Basically it provides a place to hang out and enjoy the Nickel Plate district,” he says and adds that residents will be able to picnic or gather there before a summer concert series.

Central Green is scheduled to open in October.

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