Current Publishing

Survey respondents open to change


Noblesville Schools is considering adjustments to school start times for the 2014-2015 school year. Specifically, the proposal is considering setting elementary school hours from 8 a.m. to 2:50 p.m., and middle school and high school hours from 8:45 a.m. to 3:35 p.m. Approximately 2,500 respondents participated in a recent online survey. Noblesville Schools said the results were:

● 70 percent of respondents see no negative impact from the proposed change for their high school/middle school student(s).

● 56 percent of respondents see no negative impact from the proposed change for their elementary student(s).

● 72 percent of respondents felt the proposed change would not prohibit participation in afterschool activities.

● 73 percent of respondents did not have concerns that the proposed change would impact older children providing afterschool care for younger children.

Comments surfaced through social media, the public forum and the online survey have expressed common themes of concerns for some parents including: elementary students needing to get up earlier in the morning and waiting for the bus earlier, impact to current childcare arrangements, and changes in current family schedule and routines.

Supt. Dr. Libbie Conner will be considering all this data and is expected to announce her decision at the May 20 Noblesville School Board meeting.

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