Current Publishing

Opinion: The opinions of ‘a redneck’

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Commentary by Jason Peek 

So the talk in the Main Street Barber Shop this week was and continues to be about racism and Donald Sterling, the penalized and bigoted owner of the Los Angeles Clippers of the NBA.

Allow me to share some of the thoughts that have been discussed, plus a little bit of opinion from a redneck. That would be me.

It’s pretty ignorant that in this day and age we live in a nation that keeps dirty little secrets about race. Have we not realized that all races have a joke or a saying about them or a cultural thing that others don’t like?

I think this is a case more than less about racism, and I’m sorry, folks, but just because you crack a joke about a culture doesn’t mean you’re a racist. It means you’re telling a joke – and there’s one for all. In fact, look what comedian Jeff Foxworthy did to my own (and his) people! There are books about us, and also a comedy tour, and it’s all very funny.

To not want to live in a black or other neighborhood doesn’t mean you’re a racist; it just means you want to live in the midst of your culture. To judge someone just for skin color is just not intelligent. There is good and bad in all walks of life and in every race in the world, and to stereotype everyone doesn’t work.

I can assure you that every redneck I know doesn’t judge his wealth by how many cars on blocks he has in his yard or finds a bug zapper and a six-pack to be quality entertainment.

I wish for this nation, and especially for someone like Don Sterling that is surrounded by other cultures, that we judge a person by his or her actions, and not by color or culture. After all, we do live in the melting pot of the world and we are all from cultures all over the world.

It’s unfortunate that not only Sterling, and also others, has been taught and raised by ignorant people. And remember, one of these people – you know, the ones that you think you know and don’t like – may be the one that saves your life one day because they care.

Jason Peek is the owner of the Main Street Barber Shop. Want to tell him what you think? Stop in for a haircut or e-mail him at hogjawz@ 

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