Current Publishing

Carmel Clay School Board Recap


Compiled by Amanda Foust

What happened: Jan. 5 will become a school day.

What it means: Students will attend Jan. 5, 2015. The day had traditionally been a day off for students and was utilized as a teacher development day. But to give the district more scheduling freedom in the future to account for snow days, the teacher development day willd be moved to May 25.

What’s next: No further action needed.

What happened: District support staff will get a winter stipend.

What it means: Support staff employees will receive a one-time winter stipend for 2013 due to the record -breaking winter and the hardships that followed. This will be a one time general fund expenditure that all school board members were happy to support.

What’s next: No further action needed.

What happened: Supt. Wahl gave a third quarter goals report.

What it means: He recently has spent time in the schools talking about student involvement and ways to continue encouraging student engagement. He was pleased with all staff and recognized the hard work of the teachers, administrators and students. Wahl also said he had no plans to add a new layer of standardized testing until something is purged; he said he expects a report on the testing situation in June. He said he expects to have a draft of a public relations plan within the coming month. He also noted that a teacher evaluation committee will meet in May and that teachers have been asking for more professional development on e-learning technologies.

What’s next: No further action needed.

Other News: Jiman Kim donated $55.77 to Clay Middle School on behalf of the former Clay student and his son, Ye Rin. At Home Health Equipment donated an adaptive chair to the Carmel Clay Schools Special Services Dept. The Howard County Master Gardener Assoc. gave Carmel Clay Schools Community Gardens a $500 grant.

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