Current Publishing

Letter: Judge Hughes worthy of your vote


Fellow Hamilton County residents. I address this to you in support of Judge William Hughes’ bid to re-election as Judge of Hamilton County Superior Court 3.

I have been an attorney for more than 30 years. I have practiced in front of Judge Hughes in cases which directly impact Hamilton County families since he became the judge of Hamilton County Superior Court 3 approximately 25 years ago. In my experience, Judge Hughes is committed to using his best efforts to impartially decide disputes for the families of Hamilton County in the most difficult of circumstances, such as dissolution of marriage, child support, guardianships and child custody cases.

Judge Hughes willingly gives his time and teaches courses in continuing family law legal education for lawyers and other judges.

I was surprised to see the letter to the editor yesterday (“Judge should have disclosed prior arrest,” April 29 edition of Current in Carmel) that stated Judge Hughes should have disclosed a DUI. Frankly, it is old news that was disclosed to the media by Judge Hughes the day after it happened in 2010. Judge Hughes was honest and open about his mistake, which is consistent with my experience with him during the past 25 years.

Experience matters in family law cases. Judge Hughes has the experience to continue to serve Hamilton County families as judge of Hamilton County Superior Court 3.

Bruce Pennamped, 46032

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