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Letter: U.S. Rep. Brooks has listened, learned and led well


Congresswoman Susan Brooks is doing what we elected her to do – consider, vote and represent the Constitutional interests of the 5th District, Indiana and our United States. Brooks was asked to run for Congress by family, friends and community leaders, who admired, respected and trusted her abilities to bring people together for meaningful results. Since committing to run, she hasn’t stopped, maintaining a demanding pace that never slackens, which amazes her, her family and staff. She travels her eight 5th District counties, meeting with constituents in all sectors of our economy and fundraising for the next election. Her office has processed more than 75,000 letters, phone calls and emails. These contacts include inquiries, suggestions and pleas for help – all requiring a prompt response. Brooks has no illusions that she can please some of her constituents any of the time, but she seems determined to please most of her 700,000 constituents most of the time. She is realistic about the challenges of serving in a gridlocked, unpopular Congress. A Republican majority House of Representatives is a minority against a Democrat majority Senate and a Democrat President, but she has listened, learned the ways of the House and earned leading roles in her party’s Junior Whip floor responsibility, Women’s and United Solutions caucuses and Homeland Security, Education/Workforce and Ethics committees. We would do well to elect her on May 6, and re-elect her to Congress in November.

Brent Sutton, 46032

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