Current Publishing

Zionsville Town Council meeting recap

By Sophie Pappas

The Zionsville Town Council met on Monday, April 7. Below are several highlights from the meeting.

What happened

Zionsville West Middle School students addressed the town council in support of a crosswalk or overpass to be built at 700 E.

What it means

The middle school students in Mr. Tim Yovanovich’s class have built a proposal for the town of Zionsville to provide a safety overpass for students to walk to school. The students created an online petition at to promote this project.

What’s next

The students will continue to collect information about possible private funds and TIFF funds from Whitestown-area developers.


What happened

Boone County Council member, Gene Thompson, gave a Ford Road Bridge update to the council.

What it means

The Boone County Council has budgeted for $1.75 million taxpayer dollars to build a new, concrete bridge on Ford Road.

What’s next

County commissioned engineers are creating plans for the bridge. Thompson said construction could begin as soon as May, leaving Ford Road and part of 96th Street unusable for several months.


What happened

The town council approved a $15,000 additional appropriation to go towards the Zionsville Police Dept.

What it means

The police department requested $15,000 last year for the purchase of firearms. The invoice for these firearms was received this year.

What’s next

$15,000 from the town’s food and beverage fund will be re-appropriated to the police department.

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