Current Publishing

ReStyled coming to Zionsville’s Main Street

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Connie Odekirk and Sasha Hostettler. (Submitted photos)

By Sophie Pappas and Robert Herrington

ReStyled of Carmel will be opening a second location on Zionsville’s Main Street. The Carmel business signed a lease for the vacant corner location at the intersection of Oak and Main Street. It is expected to be open for business on or before May 1.

The building, owned by a corporation titled 98 S. Main St. LLC, housed Kristeens Jewelers until early this year. Kristeens owner Kelly Martin decided to discontinue her jewelry business in the store and focus on online sales only.

“We are excited to have them join Main Street,” said Valerie Swack, co-owner of 98 S. Main LLC. “They have a huge following and will really compliment the existing merchants.”

ReStyled is known for selling refurbished furniture and home items. They also carry an exclusive line of Annie Sloan products, such as chalk paint and soft wax, used to give furniture an antiqued appearance.

ReStyled is owned and operated by the mother-and daughter-in-law team of Connie Odekirk and Sasha Hostettler. The two have been in business together for more than five years.

Hostettler said she came up with the idea for ReStyled after attending an estate sale with her husband years ago.

“I fell in love with old interesting pieces of furniture you don’t see in stores anymore,” she said. “We came home with two truckloads of furniture.”

Using Odekirk’s background as an interior designer, the two now restore and transform previously loved items into beautiful, versatile furniture and accessories for the home and garden.

“We live in a throw-away society. We wanted to give beautiful pieces another chance at life,” said Hostettler. “Through processes such as painting, distressing and construction, we create extraordinary from the ordinary.”

“We will not paint a real antique,” added Odekirk. “We take pieces and parts and make something else or make it look better.”

Additionally, ReStyled is popular for hosting the ReStyled Barn Sale, which is an outdoor vintage and antique marketplace. The next barn sale is from June 12 to 14, in Westfield.

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