Current Publishing

Opinion: Hypocrisy in the springtime


As you may know, President Barack Obama is once again leading from behind and is reaching for the same tired arguments of the past in hopes of Democrats gaining ground in the upcoming midterm elections. His latest dime-store strategy: The pay gap between men and women. Well, according to an Associated Press story, an analysis conducted by the conservative American Enterprise Institute, found Obama’s female aides were paid 88 cents for every dollar paid to men, about $65,000 to $73,729 annually. But here’s the really wonderful display of hypocrisy: White House Press Secretary Jay Carney argued the comparison is based on aggregate wages that include the lowest salaries at the White House, adding, “which may or may not be – depending on the institution – filled by more women than men.” OK, so let’s get this straight: It’s fine for government to use this excuse, but in the private sector, something untoward is taking place. Ah, yes, there is nothing quite like liberal hypocrisy in the springtime.

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To those who are in line with us for the annual fleecing today, misery loves company, we suppose. Before we blink, Tax Liberation Day (not a real holiday) will be somewhere around Thanksgiving. Once and for all, reduce spending, cut government bloat and let’s have some meaningful leadership!

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See? Your voice counts. The recent decision by Buckingham Cos. to rethink its plan to develop multi-use residential and retail space in downtown’s southern corridor by purchasing land plots is proof. Public feedback caused the developer to give part of the project, or the entire initiative, a second thought. That’s appropriate. Town Manager Ed Mitro has said Buckingham needs to continue communicating with the town before it can move forward with a revised set of plans, and we quite agree. Buckingham is an accomplished enterprise, and we believe it will do right by the town.



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