Current Publishing

Letter: Ford Road Bridge Construction


As I was driving home the other evening it became obvious that something had changed at the Ford Road Bridge off of 96th  Street.  I was surprised by the disaster and devastation of what had been a beautiful entry into Zionsville.  A tunnel of trees which gave me peace on many summer days.  The fallen trees, some as much as 100 years old, were dropped in a heap on both sides of the road with no particular desire to save any of the majestic maples, Sycamores and Oaks that lined this road.  Was there truly no desire to keep any of the beauty of the area?

Do not get me wrong, I am all for progress, but the approach here seems a bit drastic.  In fact, the area just east of this spot was cleaned up and improved without any devastation to the line of trees on either side of the road.

I am certain that a more sensible approach could have been agreed upon to prevent the destruction that has occurred.  And, after some investigation, there has been another approach presented that would have alleviated this destruction.  However, it appears this current approach has been a conscious decision.

For the last 10 years, County Councilman Gene Thompson, has led the discussion that led up to this destruction.  Which, I must add, has met much thoughtful opposition.  The desire?  To make Ford Road a major thoroughfare.  Additionally, in Mr. Thompson’s quest to defund a bridge project that was already paid for and approved and that would have prevented much of this destruction, he lost Boone County $3 million in funding.

It certainly didn’t have to be this way.  As mentioned above, there was another plan that would have retained the tunnel of trees, and reigned in the chopping frenzy, but Thompson successfully put an end to it.  He trumpeted a “new” plan for the tunnel of trees, a plan that the public has never even seen as far as I can tell, which led to this destruction.

I would ask that those that are concerned about this destruction to Google “Gene Thompson Ford Road Bridge”, and you’ll see that for 10 years, he has been the one consistent voice on the County Council against maintaining the tunnel of trees.  So congratulations, Mr. Thompson, we now have a decimated tunnel of trees and have lost out on $3 million in funding.   Your readers can also refer to to get a more detailed account of the how the bridge funding and defunding came to be.

Is this the kind of leadership that we are looking for in Boone County?  I personally do not think so and on May 6th, Primary Election Day, as a result of his poor judgment on this project and others, Mr. Thompson will not be getting my vote.  I can’t bring back this tunnel of trees, but I can vote Mr. Thompson out and vote in a person who will listen more closely to the concerns of the residents.  I hope others will see fit to show Mr. Thompson the door as well.

Kurt King

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