Current Publishing

Opinion: It’s spring!

Ann Craig Cinnamon

Ann Craig-Cinnamon

Commentary by Ann Craig-Cinnamon 

Officially, spring has finally arrived. After this extremely long winter of our discontent, we can only hope that the weather might concur with the calendar. We have certainly earned some nice weather for a change. There are signs of spring everywhere: the big ugly piles of dirty snow are gone and people are slowly emerging into their yards again. Golf courses and garden centers are actually coming back to life. A sure sign of warmer weather is all the road crews that are out.  They will, undoubtedly, have their work cut out for them. The snow and ice that we suffered through, wreaked havoc on our streets, leaving behind craters large enough to lose a small car in.  The Fishers DOT is fixing them, and we have an update for you in this week’s issue. Also, we’ll tell you where you can call to report one in your neighborhood.

Speaking of streets, DriveFishers is reporting that work has begun on a state-of-the-art system that will synchronize the lights on the major thoroughfares in Fishers. It should make your drive a bit smoother, despite the potholes.

As you head out to play golf on one of our several very nice courses in Fishers, keep your eye out for a professional golfer who is featured on a Golf Channel show. Kristi O’Brien lives in Fishers and is featured on a reality show that is sort of like “Survivor Goes Golfing”. Our cover story is about how O’Brien overcame a near-tragedy to become an up-and-coming golfer on the pro tour.

We’ll soon be voting on our first mayor of Fishers. All the candidates appeared March 19th at a mayoral forum hosted by the Fishers Chamber of Commerce. We have a wrap-up inside.

We heard from Fishers residents concerning our cover story of March 11 about Fishers police Sgt. Troy Fettinger who was credited with saving the life of a 12-year-old basketball player at Fishers Jr. High. At least one person wanted to point out that it was a team effort with several people and coaches involved in saving the boy’s life. During our interview, Sgt. Fettinger gave lots of credit to the other people at the game who came to the aid of that child. It was a combined effort but it does point out how important it is to learn CPR. Keep reading Current in Fishers for upcoming news about CPR training opportunities offered to the public.

As always, we want to hear from you. If you know of someone who deserves our attention or your organization has an event coming up, let us know about it.

Think happy spring thoughts! Thanks for reading Current in Fishers!


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