Current Publishing

Opinion: On mass transit: Not so fast, men


We like Andy Cook, we really do, and we believe he has done indisputably great things for Westfield. Now, as chair of Central Indiana Council of Elected Officials, he is urging Gov. Mike Pence to sign the legislature-passed mass transit bill.  Not so fast, gents. If signed into law, the bill would allow six counties to have voter referendums on how to fund mass transit projects. The answer, dear voters, as we have opined before, is privatization. Do you really want to be on the hook for a local version of fiscally challenged Amtrak or IndyGo? No, you don’t. Cook wants local debate, and we believe that should center on taking mass transit out of government’s hands.

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As if there were any doubt – Hillary Rodham Clinton’s presidential campaign seems to have been launched last Wednesday, when she spoke in Montreal, telling her audience Russian President Vladimir Putin’s annexation of Crimea is an effort to rewrite the boundaries of post-World War II Europe. “If he’s allowed to get away with that, then I think you’ll see a lot of other countries either directly facing Russian aggression, or suborned with their political systems so that they’re so intimidated, they’re in effect transformed into vassals, not sovereign democracies.” And her tenure as secretary of state did exactly what to prevent this from happening? Clinton 101: Bash away and watch the liberal media genuflect.

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Line of the week – Steve was in the Los Angeles area last Monday, when the 4.4-magnitude earthquake caused rumbling in the pre-dawn hours. And then came the text: “Were you shaken or stirred?” Hat tip, Mr. Kelly. (Of note: Local L.A. television took great pains to show all the carnage, which primarily included a shattered planter on a patio. We’re not making this stuff up.)

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