Current Publishing

Second writing contest guideline announced

The Noblesville Cultural Arts Commission and The Polk Street Review have created the inaugural Armchair Detective Story Contest. The grand prize winner will receive $1,000.

As one of its rules, the contest mandates that the story must incorporate four required elements, one of which will be released every week in February in “Current in Noblesville.”

The Polk Street Grasshopper says the second requirement in the NCAC Armchair Detective Contest pays homage to Noblesville-born mystery writer Rex Stout. His Nero Wolfe Series is considered among the greatest of the last century, and Stout is considered to be among the best mystery writers. In 1959 he received the Mystery Writers of America’s Grand Master Award. In honor of Stout, one character in your story must be named Rex.

(Notice – The Grasshopper doesn’t specify how major a role this character plays in your narrative, only that a character named Rex be involved in the drama in some way.)

For more details and former guidelines, visit

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