Current Publishing

Being essential

The recent winter storm was an inconvenience to say the least. It ruined one of my Christmas gifts – sweet tickets to the Pacers-Raptors game on Jan. 7. Could I have taken my wife to the game? Yes, but I’d been out traveling the roads and going 20 mph to downtown Indianapolis and back again at night didn’t seem wise.

Like most, I preferred to stay inside during the storm and below zero wind chill. I ventured out to clear the driveway and take photos of plows driving past my house but it was painful. Instead, time was spent trying to keep social media updated with developments, drinking hot chocolate, keeping my 2-year-old occupied and making sure the pipes didn’t freeze.

However, there are a group of individuals who don’t have the option of staying in no matter how cold or how many inches of snow fall. These “essential personnel” had to leave quality time with their loved ones to provide assistance to everyone in need.

The unsung city and county employees were out clearing streets, checking on buildings, answering 911 calls, responding to emergencies and slide-offs and anything required to keep the government afloat during the storm. Think they didn’t make sacrifices? Staff members literary slept at the Hamilton County Judicial Center and Sheriff’s Office. They were working 12-hour shifts every day for four straight days.

Essential personnel extended past government workers. Employees at local hospitals were advised to bring extra clothes and be prepared for double shifts if their relief couldn’t make it in – or they couldn’t leave.

I doubt they hear it enough, so I want to thank our community’s essential workers for allowing me to stay warm and inside.


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