Current Publishing

Really, it’s ‘gift enough’

So, at last, it is Christmas Eve. There probably is either a flurry of activity in your household, or, if you’re going it solo, some restful and contented tranquility as we anticipate the dawning of the big day. In preparing to celebrate – and without meaning to seem cliché here – deep down we all know it’s about more than retail purchases expertly wrapped. For some, the religious meaning of the day trumps all. For others, the chance to celebrate with those near and dear simply cannot be topped. For still others, and there is nothing wrong with this, it’s a chance to regroup in the middle of the week. Perhaps it’s a bit of all three. As immersed as we are in the season and the day, that respite is something we’re both anticipating. We’re not complaining; no, not in the least. As we dined with one of our customers one day last week at the noon hour, there was a silent moment, as if each of us was trying to catch his breath. And then Brian said, “Where did this year go?” It’s a great question, because, in our world, it went by in a flash. Busy was the watchword for us, most especially in the fourth quarter of this year. (Wasn’t Labor Day just last weekend? It certainly seems that way.) So perhaps that’s “gift enough” for us – to be able to go at a quick pace every day at something we love to the point that it doesn’t seem like work. Oh, some days bring taxing situations – owning a business ensures that – but what a gift it is to be able to do what you love and love what you do. For that, we thank you, readers and advertising partners. May your day be merry and bright!

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