Current Publishing

Healthier options for the holidays

Commentary by Larissa Day Walz, MD

If eating healthy is on your “to-do” list this holiday season, take heart. With planning and helpful nutritional information, there are easy ways to eat healthier during the holidays – and still enjoy some of your favorite seasonal foods. In fact, knowing just a few good food substitutes can help trim calories from holiday meals without compromising flavor, and boost nutritional value. Here are some examples:

It can be a challenge to maintain healthy habits during the holiday season. Balance indulgence at family gatherings and holiday parties by attempting to eat healthy the remainder of the time. Make sure your regular weekly meals include plenty of fruits and vegetables and stock up on healthy snacks. In addition to making wise nutritional choices, remember to stay active and work some exercise into your busy holiday schedule.


Larissa Day Walz, MD, specializes in internal medicine. She is a guest columnist located at IU Health Physicians Primary Care, 11725 N. Illinois St., Suite 595, Carmel. She can be reached by calling the office at 688-5522.

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