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Letter: Down with the dog park plans


Stop the dog parks! Has anyone talked to a dog-owner about what they want? I want to be able to walk my dog so he can run around, while I am also walking. This is not something you do at a dog park.

I also do not want to have to pay to walk my dog.

I walk my dog at River Road Park every day. I have some suggestions for possible off-leash walking: Each dog must pass the Canine Good Citizen test and receive a license to walk off-leash. I understand there must be a fee for the license. This way only well-trained dogs could walk off-leash.

Maybe you could send someone out to River Road Park and talk with the people walking their dogs there. I also know lots of people walk their dogs at West Park; talk to them.

Maybe people with little dogs would enjoy the dog park, but bigger dogs and their owners would not.

Save the city lots of money by not building dog parks.

We walk each day around 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. Come on out!

Jerry Steckbeck

Carmel 46033

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