Current Publishing

Letter: Catholic church embraces everyone


It is with regret that I see Current in Carmel distort the Catholic faith and its love for all people. Everyone, including those with same-sex attraction, is embraced by the Catholic church.

An article in the Nov. 5 issue (“An evening of laughter, love” p.13) reported an openly gay actor was discriminated against when he was not permitted to give a speech to students at his Catholic high school alma mater after announcing his same-sex attraction and plans to marry a man.

Unfortunately, an important part of this story was not shared with readers.

The Catholic faith lovingly believes that marriage is a faithful, exclusive and lifelong union between one man and one woman, joined as husband and wife in an intimate partnership of life and love. The denial of the social and legal status of marriage to forms of cohabitation that are not and cannot be marital is not opposed to justice; on the contrary, justice requires it.

Unmarried persons, including homosexuals, are called to chastity. Homosexuals desiring to live chastely can contact Courage (, a national, church-approved support group for caring help and fellowship.

The Catholic church lovingly teaches the dignity of homosexual persons and condemns all forms of unjust discrimination, harassment or abuse against them while steadfastly defending marriage.

Steve Alic

Carmel, 46033

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