Current Publishing

School Board Recap

Compiled by Sarah Salas

WHAT HAPPENED: The Zionsville Education Foundation announced that $37,068.07 in grants had been awarded for the fall.

WHAT IT MEANS: With a total of 13 different grants, all schools in the district will benefit. A complete description of all the grants awarded can be found on the ZEF Website at


WHAT HAPPENED: Zionsville Community School’s current and future class sizes were discussed.

WHAT IT MEANS: Zionsville continues to experience an increase in class size which will eventually lead to the hiring of new teachers. Building capacity will continue to be sufficient through 2023 for both the elementary and middle schools with the introduction of kindergarten through grade four at Boone Meadow Elementary this year. However, based on projections the high school will reach full capacity by 2017.

WHAT’S NEXT: The new addition at the high school will not incur any new debt, as the school is using funds from a 2005 bond. The new addition will make capacity a nonissue through 2023 and beyond.


WHAT HAPPENED: The Zionsville Board of Trustees unanimously voted to pass the school budget for 2014.

WHAT IT MEANS: The 2014 budget included an adoption of the 2014-2025 Bus Replacement Plan and 2014-2016 Capital Fund Project Fund Plan. The board also heard a first reading on a renewable resolution about no new debt for construction, aimed at maximizing facility capacity without adding new debt for as long as possible.

WHAT’S NEXT: The resolution’s goal is to not incur any new debt for construction through 2023. This requires careful use of 2005 bond proceeds to add high school enrollment capacity as soon as possible. ZCS will continue to request an equitable share of the state funding formula. Enrollment is increasing, but the state’s funding per pupil continues to decrease and is well below the state’s average for pupil support.

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