Current Publishing

We’ll have you set for holidays

We’re seeing our Current team gaining steam in its efforts to keep you abreast of all the goings-on with Christmas in the Village. Without spilling the beans on what our folks have in store for your reading and planning pleasures, it’s safe for all of us to assume that “comprehensive” would be an appropriate description. As you might know, everything kicks off at 4 p.m. Nov. 30 with the Christmas Parade and Lighting of the Village, and, pardon the pun, it all snowballs from there. Watch these pages for everything you’ll need to know – and more – to make the most of the holidays in our town. (If you can’t wait, visit for a list of events. We’ll be giving you the rest shortly.)

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Perhaps a health-insurance carrier has spurned you or someone you know recently. It simply cannot be a pleasant experience. We know a few folks who’ve endured the “rejected” treatment. We’re just wondering here, but don’t you believe it is possible that because of all the confusion and uncertainty of ObamaCare that insurance companies almost “have to” reject some folks’ attempts at renewal? After all, our illustrious leader, President Barack Obama, has done a fairly solid job of running down insurance companies (and they’re not completely innocent of all his charges) since before he campaigned for the last presidential election. He has maligned them – again, deservedly so in some instances – to the point where there’s no luster left. They’re viewed as villainous, and so their reputations are left tarnished. We further wonder whether any court would entertain a lawsuit brought by one or more carriers against the president on the grounds of damaging their brands. Yes, a lawsuit. If someone maligned your business to the point where it was affecting perception of it, and, as a byproduct, its ability to successfully engage in commerce, wouldn’t you sue for slander? Just asking.

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