Current Publishing

Green-thumb son

Commentary by Heather Kestian

My son has a green thumb. I have no idea how he inherited this gene. I like to pretend that I have a green thumb, but I really have very few skills. I can grow hosta plants in the yard because they are hardy, resilient and require no work on my behalf.

As some of you know, he planted a pine cone and what should emerge from the earth but a pine tree.

Fast forward a few months and he asks to plant more seeds. As part of his kindergarten class, they are studying apples. Very appropriate for this time of year. One of his observations as he was eating an apple in our kitchen was that there were lots of seeds in the apple. He inquires: “Can we plant these seeds? We could have nine apple trees in our yard!”

My first thought? Sure! We need apple trees because we do not have nearly enough bees in the yard. My second thought? Sure! This is not going to work anyway but do not be the negative parent. Be supportive!

I search online and explore how to turn apple seeds into apple trees. This is a multi-year project, if it works at all. Solid! We may not have apple trees after all!

In my supportive parenting role, we read about each step.

Step one is to dry out the seeds. Done. Step two is to place the seeds in a wet paper towel, cover, place in a plastic bag and store in the fridge for a month. If this works, the seeds will sprout. We checked the seeds after a few weeks and don’t you know, every last single one of the seeds sprouted. This has to be a joke.

I am learning that “if” needs to come out of my vocabulary with my child. “If” needs to be replaced with “when.” This is not about only plants – it is everything in his life. Someday I will fully comprehend that our little people are hopeful and amazed by the world around them. Given the state of the world today, with government shutdowns and threats of war, we could all use a little more faith.

Once again, my child proves his faith that all things are possible. I am taking this page from his playbook. Anything is possible. I believe, little man, I believe.

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