Current Publishing

Get off the fence

More than 10 years ago, I sat across the table from a franchise broker named Merri. She was helping me through the process of selecting a business.

We had been working together for about 90 days and had looked at six or seven different opportunities. After carefully reviewing each one, I had determined that none represented the “perfect fit.”

As usual, I was eager to see what new companies she had prepared for me to review. Merri had a different agenda for this meeting. She looked up from her desk and got right to the point.

“CJ, there are two types of people who walk into my office,” she began. “Those that want to buy a business, and those that just want to tell other people they are going to buy a business. I am fairly certain you are the latter.”

I did not appreciate that statement and left the meeting both offended and embarrassed.

A few days later something became clear. She was 100 percent right. I was just wasting everyone’s time. I either had to move forward or just get used to the fact that I wasn’t prepared to become a business owner.

Less than two months later, I quit my job, depleted our savings and started an executive coaching firm. Most people I meet look a lot like the guy who was called to the carpet 10 years ago in Merri’s office. They have dipped their toe into a handful of areas that are way outside their comfort zone. Unfortunately, every time they are called to make a commitment they scurry back to safety. I’m not suggesting that you need to take huge risks every single day. Instead, what your life needs is clarity and decisiveness. Get off the fence and make a decision.

As with most things in life, the solution is simple. All you need to do is execute.

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