Current Publishing

Attacking Syria is a bad idea


Secretary of State John Kerry has stated that Assad must go and he cannot be a part of Syria’s future. He also stated that President Obama has decided to help and arm the rebels. This so-called “limited strike” is the beginning of regime change and step one of that plan. The policy of “regime change” brought us perpetual violence and instability in Egypt, the Ayatollah’s in Iran, a more radical and unstable Iraq, anarchy in Libya, and a United States approaching bankruptcy. Assad is currently placing civilians around valuable targets and has had way too much time to prepare for the impending strikes. Next time maybe we should go to Congress first before wasting valuable time asking the United Nations for permission to act. Congress should vote No! This will only embolden Assad and Iran and endanger Israel. It will put the United States in the middle of a civil war where we have to choose between Assad and Al Qaeda supported rebels.

David Stockdale


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