Current Publishing

Scouts should align with science


Regarding homosexuality, letter-writer Tom Schultz (8/13/13) is correct in stating that for years, Boy Scouts knew what the “keep myself morally straight” clause of the Scout Oath meant. But then things changed. About 30 years ago, dozens of studies began proving that homosexuality was a condition of birth rather than a “lifestyle choice,” as many had previously assumed. Now, when we pledge to keep ourselves “morally straight,” we pledge to accept homosexuals, just as we accept those of different races or different faiths. Fortunately, the Boy Scouts of America has changed its acceptance of homosexual youth (or those who might question their sexual orientation) to match scientific proof.

More recent studies have shown that homosexual parents are equally as effective raising children as heterosexual parents (if not superior, in many cases). Hopefully the Boy Scouts will soon accept homosexual adult leaders, again to align themselves with science. This acceptance has nothing to do with political correctness.

Andy Ray, 46032

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