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Lose ‘Lost’ and join the ‘Thrones’

My husband and I don’t watch much television. Apart from “Glee,” “Sports Center” and the occasional “30 Rock” rerun, we’re mostly too busy shuttling kids to and from their various practices, meetings and games. We also don’t subscribe to the movie channels, so aren’t able to catch the R-rated stuff like “Mad Men.” But this summer, we decided to plug in to pop culture, albeit a few years late, and download both the entire series of ABC’s “Lost” and the last three seasons of HBO’s “Game of Thrones.”

Doo stayed up late for literally a week straight and finished the latter before I could even see the pilot. I got so angry with him that I made him wait to start “Lost” until we both had the time. We are now six episodes in to “Lost,” but frankly, I’m not “getting it.”  I like looking at Matthew Fox and that Sawyer fellow, and the scenery is beautiful, but honestly, what’s the big deal? I’ve been told to hold out a few more episodes, that the plot thickens very shortly, but honestly, “Lost” pretty much sucks now that I’ve begun “Thrones.”

Sweet. Mercy. Baby dragons, arctic zombies and creepy old warlocks. Gratuitous violence, full frontal nudity, and British-accented foul language. Is it any wonder that I am now completely addicted to this medieval fantasy epic? No kidding, I forgot to feed my children yesterday. And the best part is that you never know who they’re going to kill off. Could be a character they’ve just introduced, could be the lead you’ve known since the beginning. It’s both horrible and awesome at the same time.

I also appreciate how “Throne’s” writers (or possibly the author of the book it’s based on; I’m not sure how closely the series follows George R.R. Martin’s “A Song of Fire and Ice”) have made the women the real powerhouses. Behind every king wannabe and knight in bloodied armor is a female mastermind, using her seductive wiles to manipulate, plot, and ultimately control the playing field. Sure the ladies are usually naked, but any smart viewer can recognize who’s ultimately in control. (You go, Khaleesi!) Plus, there is no shortage of amazing redheaded characters, saving the world per our usual M.O. and making it look good in the process.

If you don’t watch “Game of Thrones,” I highly recommend downloading the first few episodes. You’ll probably be offended, disgusted and embarrassed, but if you are anything like me and appreciate stay-cations through television, you’ll also be incredibly entertained. Peace out.

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