Current Publishing

Fitness instructor hits the road

By Dan Domsic

Robanne Robin is taking her brand of fitness and experiences on the road to national conferences and local engagements later this summer and fall.

Robin instructs a class at the Fishers YMCA called Hip Hop Kidz and is the author of “Half My Size!: One woman’s road to losing 150 pounds and getting her strong on!”

After undergoing bariatric surgery, Robin discovered a hip hop class Fishers YMCA and would later start teaching a hip hop class for youth, all while touting a message of being strong, rather than skinny.

“Fitness does not have to be boring,” she said. “You don’t have to dread it.”

Up first, Robin will be at the Gr8 Health Booth at the July 26 Friday Night Block Party on Georgia Street presented by “Indy Style” and WISH TV from 5 to 8 p.m., then in August she’ll be at the Your Weight Matters National Convention in Phoenix, Ariz. from Aug. 15 to 18. She’ll be teaching hip hop group exercise Aug. 16 through 18. On the last day she’ll participate in a Walk From Obesity.

She said on Aug. 29 she’ll be speaking and holding other activities at Hearthstone Coffee House and Pub, 8235 E. 116th St., from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m.

In October, she’ll head to the ObesityHelp National Conference in Anaheim, Calif., where she’ll have the chance be part of panels concerning bariatric surgery, and she’ll also be teaching hip-hop dance, she said.

She said her dream of all dreams would be attending such conferences for adults and children alike on a full-time basis.

“I just want to go and just teach these kinds of classes to get people moving and having fun,” Robin said, “and you can modify it for whatever fitness level or whatever age group (you’re teaching).”

Robin’s latest session of Hip Hop Kidz, which meets from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Tuesdays, started last week, but make-up classes are available for those that register late, she stated via email.

If your child is interested in the class, inquire about the hip hop class that meets at the above time slot. Sept. 9 marks the next session.

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