Current Publishing

Funding received, volunteers still needed

Children’s games at the Noblesville July 4th Fireworks Festival could be ended early if the city does not have more volunteers. (File photo)
Cara Culp

Just two weeks ago, the City of Noblesville was facing two major obstacles as it prepared for the July 4th Parade and Fireworks Festival. The annual free event was underfunded and lacking volunteers.

City Spokeswoman Cara Culp said the July 4th Planning Committee has reached its goal of raising the final $6,000 it was short of its $32,000 budget as of June 13.

“Donations came and sponsors the committee was working with came through. I think we are going to be OK on money,” Culp said, adding that no tax dollars are used for the event. “It’s pretty amazing to come up with that much in a week and a half.”

Culp said the fireworks show would have continued the same regardless of the financial status but had the committee remained underfunded the kids’ carnival games would be impacted.

“The games themselves are not expensive but the prizes add up,” she said.

The status of carnival games remains unclear however. Culp said that while the financial situation has been hurdled, the city still needs eight people to volunteer for the 8 to 10 p.m. time slot.

“We’ve gotten some interest but we’re not quite there yet,” she said.”It’s hard to find volunteers on a holiday.”

If not enough volunteers are found, Culp said the committee may have to end some children’s games at 8 p.m.

“The last two hours are generally the busiest,” she said, adding she believes the 8 to 10 p.m. timeslot is the most attractive. “People can come early and do all of the activities with family and friends, have a free meal and then check in.”

For extra incentive, those that help with the Noblesville Fourth of July events will receive a free meal at the festival and be entered into the Volunteer Raffle for a chance to win $300, $200, or $100.

“It’s a way to give people another incentive to come out for two hours,” Culp said.

The majority of jobs involve greeting and assisting people although a few do require heavier lifting. For the Fireworks Festival, Culp said most volunteers will assist with the children’s activities, monitoring the VIP and parking area, helping with the car show or setting up the area.

“It’s nothing too strenuous,” she said.

Culp said approximately 50 volunteers are needed for Fourth of July activities. For questions or more information, contact Cindy Benedict at 770-2007 or

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