Current Publishing

Call her what you will, she’s still amazing

With grace and enthusiastic sweetness, Ms. Madeline Moran let me off the hook. She scoffed at the notion that my lapsus calami had caused her any harm. When she came home from school that Tuesday afternoon two weeks ago, Madeline’s mom greeted her with news she was in the Current in Carmel newspaper. Her mother probably should have said, “Well, I think it’s you in the Current.”

When Madeline opened the page describing the four talented and very deserving winners of the Rotary William D. McFadden Student Service Award, imagine her confusion to see in bold print the name Emily Moran. I might as well have called her Hank, the slip up so far out in left field. Madeline said her first reaction was, “Huh?” But then she laughed it off by saying, “A lot of people think I look like my name should be Emily.”

There is absolutely no rhyme or reason as to why the name Madeline would mysteriously morph into Emily. Her application for the McFadden Service Award is 21 pages long. TWENTY-ONE!  The letters creating Madeline Moran clearly spelled out on every page. By the way, each page details three to four service projects which Madeline dedicates her time and talent toward making successful. The girl known as Madeline Moran is truly amazing and worthy of a second helping of praise and adulation.

Madeline, Madeline, Madeline is a junior at Carmel High School and already knows where she would like to attend college after completing her senior year. Eastern Kentucky University is one of only nine accredited schools offering an American Sign Language Interpreter program. To be a sign language interpreter is the post college goal for Madeline; another gauge of her generous spirit. She gives more than just time and effort. The William D. McFadden Student Service Award comes with a $500 cash prize. Madeline is directing her prize toward the charity Kids Against Hunger. She said, “I like any project or charity which benefits kids. My friend went on spring break to Africa and told me even $10 can feed a large number of children. $500 should go a long way to help.”

To Ms. Madeline Moran; I admire you. I appreciate your entire family’s positive attitude and thanks to Grandmother Verda Moran for letting me know Madeline is special no matter what I call her.

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