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Your vote counts

The black and gold “Vote Yes: Keep Our Schools Strong” signs are popping up in yards all over Noblesville.  These signs are posted by citizens who know the value and importance weighing on the upcoming May 7 vote.  This vote will be an opportunity for our community to come together to once again show Hamilton County and the state of Indiana that we value our young people, our students, our next generation.  The referendum that our community is asking you to support is critical to the growth and development of not only our students but to the city of Noblesville as a whole.  A few key points for voters to keep in mind as you head to the poles:

1)      This referendum will open the doors for an Ivy Tech campus to sit right here in Noblesville through the sale of the current East Middle School.  Not only does this provide the obvious opportunity of advanced and trade courses locally for college and high school students, but it also opens the doors for furthered adult education courses.  This also brings in people from all around the county which will inevitably boost business locally.  Ivy Tech has been looking for a place to have a presence in Hamilton County, and here is our chance!

2)      The referendum will allow the necessary expansion of the current Noblesville High School to bring the freshmen back to campus.  This will create a greater opportunity for expanded coursework and career planning for all our high school students.

3)      With the freshmen back at the High School, this will then allow some additions and renovations to be made to the current Freshman Campus to prepare it to be converted to the new East Middle School.

We don’t have the option or luxury of doing nothing.  A “No” vote would only put Noblesville Schools behind and be extremely costly.  A “No” would mean no Ivy Tech campus and the advantages it brings; it would mean high costs of renovations and additions to keep the current East Middle School functioning; it would mean continuing to separate the freshmen from the high school campus further limiting their career-planning coursework.  But most importantly, it could cost our young people the first-rate education they desire and Noblesville Schools is known for.

Our community is growing, and we have the responsibility to make sure our schools are growing along -side our community and families.  Come out on May 7, and vote “YES.”

Respectfully Submitted,

Kami Propst

Noblesville High School Alum


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