Current Publishing

Is your life balanced?

By Coach Kim Rockey

Essentially, time management is one of the keys to getting what you want and what you need from life. Much can be attributed to how well – or how poorly – we manage our time.

The number one issue talked about in my office during my career as a college basketball coach was, “I don’t have enough time!” My players said this. My health and wellness students repeated the same message. And so did just about every student who found their way to my office. There was a variety of individuals, from those studying to be doctors and engineers to students who were simply trying to figure out this thing called life.

There’s no magic formula to time management and certainly tons of books and blogs and newsletters are written about it. The answer is the same and may surprise you. We all get the same amount of time every week. No discrimination here. One of the keys is simply how we use the time we have and what decisions we make regarding the time allotment.

Three crucial components come to mind: 1) self-responsibility/discipline; 2) self-control; and 3) goal setting/motivation (internal and external). These elements generally impact our thought processes as we contemplate the time management issue. Do I sit and watch TV for 45 minutes, or do I take the dog for a walk? Simple as that

Yes, I’ve probably opened up a Pandora’s Box here relative to how to deal with the time management issue. However, the facts will always remain the same – 24 hours per day times seven days equals 168 hours in our week. Now we have to make a decision on how those hours are spent.

How much balance do you have in your life?


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