Current Publishing

Renewal – just a breath away

Commentary by Sally Brown Bassett

After 30 years in the travel/aviation business in my past life, my path is still focused on rejuvenating people. It used to be by taking passengers’ breath away from the sights and sounds around the world. There was nothing like the oohs and ahhs when spectacular views would come into sight – the turquoise water at Lake Louse in Canada, looking down at Machu Picchu after climbing four mountain passes to get there, or seeing the herds of animals on the plains of Africa.

But you don’t have to leave town to find renewal. To truly rejuvenate, you are just a breath away. As Westerners, we live fast-paced lives and, unfortunately, breathe very shallow. To take in large quantities of air, we should breathe from the entire chest and the abdominal area.

If you can take just moments out of your day to close your eyes, breathe deeply and just “be”, you will see a huge difference in how you are feeling. The benefits will include a feeling of renewal along with being more focused, calmer, and energized.

On a recent international yoga retreat to Costa Rica, I asked the group to have a “solitary” moment of breathing and being while we were listening to the sounds of the rainforest. Those moments of stillness are usually the memories that will last you a lifetime.

People think that the four-letter word, Yoga, is all about stretching. Physically, it is also about endurance, strength and balance. However, the breath work is the most powerful. It cleans out toxins, keeps you focused and stills the mind.

It’s officially spring, so what a perfect time to learn to breathe. Renewal is just a breath away!


Dr. Sally Brown Bassett is a yogi, social entrepreneur and world traveler.  She is the owner of Peace through Yoga studies in Zionsville and can be reached at


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