Current Publishing

Stunned at mass transit opinion


Bravo Brian Kelly and Steve Greenberg, co-owners of Current Publishing!

You demonstrated the “narrow thinking path” of the nowhere to the future plan!

Personally, I am stunned that your point of view on mass transit concentrates just on tax increases. You ignore that the State of Indiana would receive a huge amount of federal funding for this project, increase contracts for local companies (for example, Allison transmission and Cummins), stay competitive in attracting out of state and world businesses to central Indiana as well as create jobs along the public transportation corridors.

An option to use public transportation would also relieve our existing congested infrastructure and bring tremendous improvements to the environment, in particular to the already poor air quality.

Please open your mind and start to see the abundance of advantages. Paying a slight tax increase is a small price for what we will get in return. We cannot afford to vote down mass transit!


Claudia Charles

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