Current Publishing

No more excuses

Commentary by Cindy Sams

How long have you been talking to your friends, family and doctor about needing and wanting to get in shape and workout more?

But what do we do? We make excuses!

Or if you’re in deep denial, we’ll call them “logical reasons.”

Well, let’s take a look at the top three excuses I hear year-round and see how legitimate they really are.

No time – Time is time. We all get the same. Do you sleep in, hitting the snooze again and again? Do you watch endless TV at night? Do you sit for hours in front of your computer checking out everyone else’s life on Facebook? How about, “It takes time away from my kids/family, or I feel guilty.” When you keep saying you don’t have time to work out, what I’m hearing (along with everyone else for that matter) is that working out and getting healthy and in shape is currently not important enough to you with everything else you’ve got going on. So stop complaining about it. It’s OK. If your intention (desire) is great enough, you will alwaysfind the necessary time and energy to accomplish your desires.

Can’t afford – I cannot afford a personal trainer. Joining a gym is awesome. However, if you do not know what to do when you’re there then you need to find an awesome trainer to show and teach you how to work all the equipment.  It’s extremely important to learn to lift correctly, that way you see results instead of wasting your time. A good trainer should empower you with knowledge on how to go into any gym in the world and get a good workout by yourself.  Just like when you want to learn an instrument, you hire an instructor.  So, invest in an excellent trainer and invest in your very self.

Too tired – You’re kidding me right? If you are older than, oh, let’s say 30, you’re aware of how the body generally works right? Good nutrition, muscles, cardio, less calories in, more expended, blah, blah, blah. You’re tired either because your body has excess fat on it that doesn’t belong there or your muscles are not functioning as the engines that they are. Your heart and lungs are working overtime just to keep you upright and doing your daily grind.

Remember, there is no failure when you take action. It is when you refuse to take any action that failure occurs.

Cindy Sams has been helping people with their health, weight loss, strength training and all around aging better since 2003. Her fully equipped in-home studio is in Fishers.

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