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I’m a Carmel Runner: Amy Poorman

CarmelRunner Poorman1
Poorman and family

Name: Amy (Mink) Poorman

I’m running the Carmel: Marathon

My goal for the 2013 Carmel Marathon Weekend: Finish my first full marathon and run the entire race.

Why I run: Growing up my mom was a huge runner. I always remember by the time I woke up she had already gotten up and ran that morning.  All through middle school and high school, I played three sports year-round which controlled my life, and I realized I was not going to continue playing these sports in college so I turned to running to keep in shape.

I started out running small distances but this turned into a passion, and I ran my first mini in the spring of my senior year. My mom passed away from breast cancer in 2006, and I feel every race I run she is there cheering me on. I have run 17 half marathons and this will be my first full. I am running with one of my best friends, and I know that we both will be crying at the finish line. I had my first child in June and while I was pregnant ran 2 minis at weeks 2 and 32. Being a mom now and seeing her at the finish line will be a full circle for me, and I hope she too someday will want to run with me as I did with my mom.

Favorite place to run in Carmel: I live in Claridge Farm so I have really nice loops through Cox Hall Gardens and the Village of West Clay. I can say my worst place to run is my treadmill! I love to be running with my sister chatting or pushing my jogging stroller with our dog.

Pre-race rituals: I always eat a banana race day morning. I have been trying out different gummies to take during the marathon to see what works! My mom would always say drink a cup of coffee race day morning, but I gave up coffee two years ago when I was on a trip to Sierra Leone, Africa, so I just stick to water now.

If I’m not running, I’m: being a mom.  I have an 8-month-old so I love to be spending time with her and my husband. I also love to read, cook and travel.

My advice for new runners: Start small and never focus on distance. When I go out for runs I think to myself, “I am going to be running for x amount of time.”  Build up to where you want to be and find someone to run with.  Also, do not find excuses!

Why I like living and running in Carmel: Carmel has great paths and awesome sidewalks to run! We are very fortunate to live in a city that supports running, walking and biking! Take advantage of all the great amenities your tax dollars pay for! I also love running in Carmel because my sister lives here, and we run together most mornings. I think it has made us closer and gives us time away from our kids to chat and talk.

For more information on the Carmel Marathon Weekend, visit

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