Current Publishing

“Happy” Wandering to the Rotary Club

Happy, welcoming, generous and fun are words that remind me of my visit to the Rotary Club on March 14. I felt welcomed from the moment I arrived at the library, where the Rotarians hold their Thursday 7:30 a.m. meetings. The chocolate cake donut and coffee were good, too. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance and then it was time for the “Happy Dollar,” where members share something happy about their week and give a dollar. I didn’t ask what happened to the dollars, but I’m pretty sure with the Rotary’s slogan, “Service above Self,” they went somewhere to make someone else happy.

Soon it was time for trivia. The theme was toys – baby dolls, wagons, games, bring it on! I’m a mom at heart. I was trying to be polite as a guest but couldn’t hold back. “Doll with scar on chest?” Madeline. Nailed it! Good thing they didn’t bring up Barbie. I was a Barbie and Ken addict, complete with their luxurious vacation destination in our backyard plastic pool.

The trivia was fun and engaging, and I’ve invited the Rotary Club to share some with us. March Madness, Indy 500 and Zionsville trivia will be appearing on a regular basis thanks to the Rotary members.

After the first coffee break, it was time for me to share my story and the story of Current. I enjoyed the discussion and, at the end, was presented with a Rotary coffee mug to remember my visit. A children’s book, “Heron the Turtle,” was also donated to the library in my honor, as a guest speaker. The meeting ended with the traditional Rotary Four Way Test, and you’ll have to visit someday to see if you pass the test. This lively bunch added a fifth question, “Is it fun?”

This group certainly was!  Thank you, Zionsville Rotary Club. I’ll definitely be back and next time will bring some dollar bills.

If you are interested in having me come speak to your group, please send an e-mail to julie@youarecurrent. com.


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