Current Publishing

Do you have the ingredients?

Commentary by Claudia Pearson

A good recipe, like life, has many different “ingredients” which all come together to create one wonderful combination unique in itself. Just as two lives are never exactly the same, two recipes are not the same. We tweak recipes like we tweak our own lives, we make them our own. Yet, they do share a few things in common and with that, life and the preparation and sharing of food become one.

First, the binders – eggs, flour, faith, family, friendships

Add in some spice – cinnamon, cayenne pepper, romance, humor, challenges

And the sweeteners – honey, brown sugar, love, kindness, compassion

Food returns us to our roots and is a common binding ingredient in our own recipes for life. Memories we have from childhood (some not so great at times, like for me and peas!) and many that when reminded of them by a familiar aroma or taste, can take us back in an instant to that moment (my Mom’s macaroni and cheese). You know what I mean, those memories are there and we need to tend them for the next generations, so they will also have the joy of being reminded of a happier, simpler time.

This past Christmas, my three children were home from college and for my gift, they cooked dinner. Hearing the laughter that was coming from the kitchen was gift enough. However, in addition to that, the simple joy of anticipation as I sat in the next room waiting to taste the food belonging to the aromas was heaven. I don’t have that opportunity much as I am always the one cooking, and it is just not the same. Kind of like a tickle that doesn’t feel as good when you do it to yourself.

Life and food, an inseparable combination that is a part of us. What is your recipe for life? Include in it the making and sharing of meals and food with those you love. It will forever be a part of their recipes to be passed down, sometimes a bit yellowed and dog eared, but loved and cherished all the same.


Claudia Pierson is owner of To The Last Drop, a catering and cooking class establishment in downtown Zionsville. Claudia can be reached at


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