Current Publishing

Control vs. liberty

It is our position that careful attention should be paid to the current gun control debate in order to balance liberty and gun ownership. Mothers are taking to the streets in the form of groups such as Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense In America, a grassroots effort formed in the wake of the devastating mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. The group’s founder is Zionsville mother of five, Shannon Watts.

This group, who advocates for common sense gun laws, has even dropped the term, “gun control” from their name in the hopes of lobbying successfully for a ban on assault weapons and ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, the requirement of background checks for all gun and ammunition purchases and the reporting of the sale of large quantities of ammunition to the ATF, as well as placing a ban on online sales of ammunition.

What seems like common sense control to some sounds like a liberty infringement on the Second Amendment right to bear arms to others and an unnecessary penalty for responsible gun owners. While some may argue that gun violence is a people control problem and a mental health issue, hopefully reasonable heads will prevail in this important debate.


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