Current Publishing

Reap those fresh air benefits

Awareness continues to grow of the wellness benefits associated with an active outdoor lifestyle. Prompted by our self-medicating lifestyles (guilty), Americans are being reminded that relaxing on your patio, hiking in the park and working in your yard are necessary components for thriving personal health – physically, spiritually and mentally. Family too.

A recent study noted, “Spending time in natural settings improves brain function, restoring your ability to exercise directed attention and working memory.”  Meaning, it allows our attention circuits to heal and hastens recovery from fatigue. Anyone fatigued?

Several Facebook friends celebrated what jazzes them about luxury outdoor living and entertaining on their patios:

* Stephanie Smith Lewis, “I love grilling!!!”

* Judy Ford, “It’s so good to be thinking about spring and summer and the good times to come outdoors.”

* Amanda Arnsperger Black, “Creating an environment for “unmanufactured” memories for our kids and a tranquil respite for us once they’re in bed.”

* Eric Etchison, “I feel it’s a special place to catch up on life with family and friends. When you step outside you seem to leave all behind. It provides a place where eye contact and meaningful conversation is happening. I enjoy the spark and energy in my kids’ eyes as they bounce around the patio and discuss school and their life. There is just something about being outdoors that today’s crazy life, schedules and technology can’t replace.”

There’s a reason your happiest, most grateful friends are those with cool patios, edgy fire features, stunning landscapes and mulch stained jeans. Sure, the healthy immune spikes from vitamin D, which also prevents cancer and curbs heart disease, helps. But the real “phones banned” value is gained from fresh air, physical exertion, relaxing, socializing and gathering.

Live a little. A lot!


Randy Sorrell is founder of SURROUNDINGS by NatureWorks+, a Carmel design, build, landscape firm. He may be reached at 679-2565, or

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