Current Publishing

How to Make a Cancer-Fighting Snack


Adults can learn how to choose snacks that offer more cancer-fighting nutrients by using the new healthy snack combo infographic, created by experts at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.

“Eating a healthy meal or snack every few hours refuels your body and puts you in better shape to fight off diseases like cancer,” said Mary Ellen Herndon, a wellness dietitian at MD Anderson. “It also helps keep your blood sugar and metabolism at healthy levels.”

Herndon suggests that adults eat a healthy snack if their next meal is longer than six hours away.

“A healthy snack has about 100-200 calories and includes an unrefined carbohydrate and a protein,” Herndon said. “Pairing these two together will help you stay full longer and keep you energized.”

Herndon shares examples of healthy snack combinations in the following infographic.

“Skipping meals might seem like a quick and easy way to lose weight,” Herndon said. “But starving your body of essential calories can actually lead to weight gain over time.”

Diet and physical activity, including being overweight or obese, contribute to one-third of all cancer deaths in the United States each year, according to the American Cancer Society.

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Watch the Healthy Bites Snack Video

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Take Healthy Bites

This infographic is part of MD Anderson’s Healthy Bites 2013 challenge, which encourages adults to make healthier food choices to lower cancer risks.

“Maintaining a healthy diet can be difficult,” Herndon said. “That’s why we created the Healthy Bites program.”

People who join Healthy Bites will have access to additional MD Anderson nutrition materials, food journals, healthy recipes and expert tips.

For more information, including details on how to join the challenge, visit

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