Current Publishing

The next big training routine

By April Conard

I was lucky enough to get in on the ground floor when Zumba was just starting. It is now one of the leading forms of group exercise. Well, I am pleased to say that I have now found the next big thing in fitness, and like Zumba, this one has staying power.

It is called TRX suspension training. Basically, what that means is you are utilizing suspension straps from a single anchor point against your own body weight.  The TRX’s single point attachment provides the ideal mix of support and mobility to train strength, endurance, balance, flexibility and core all at once.

Since this program works a lot of muscles, it must be for only the elite athlete, right?  Wrong. Suspension training is for all levels, all paces and all goals. Because you can instantly modify resistance by adjusting body position, suspension training workouts are safe and effective for people of all fitness levels.

Sounds great, except that you do not know the first thing about what to do with this “contraption.” Well, that is where I come in. I,  along with my fellow instructors, have just completed a course on group suspension training, which means we are instructing you the entire class. Added benefits to a class setting are that the instructor is there to immediately answer questions and guide your workout to what is safe for you. Besides, working out in a group is always more fun!

Still not convinced? Let me ask you this, do you absolutely love your abdominals? Are you ready to show off your slim waist at a moments notice? All core, all the time – this is another one of the major benefits of TRX suspension training. Your center of gravity is located just above your hips. By changing your body positions you shift this center of gravity. Suspension training exercise techniques are designed to intentionally displace your center of gravity, which activates the core muscles during every exercise. Whether you are performing a row, lunge, or even a bicep curl, your entire core is engaged to stabilize and balance the body in a truly functional way.

Adding TRX suspension training to your fitness regime is going to take your body to the next level. If you have hit the wall and the inches or pounds have started to stall, or you just want to see more definition, TRX is your answer.


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