Current Publishing

Easy to keep New Year’s resolutions

It’s really just a matter of time: first comes the New Year with new goals, then comes progress, and a month later, broken pledges. This year, why not make some resolutions you can keep? A few travel resolutions will make your vacation that much better.

Plan ahead … or not. Make your travel reservations eight to 12 months in advance, depending on where you’re going, and you’ll get more options and better prices. There’s a reason that last beach house is available: it’s likely overpriced or not so wonderful. Sometimes, you can luck into a late cancellation; if you’re feeling spontaneous at the last minute, go for it!

Think before you book. A great vacation gives you the relaxation and change of scenery you need to cope with the rest of life. A stressful one is just a bummer. Think strategically. Squeezing five people into a tiny hotel room for 10 days is quite possibly too much togetherness. A four-night jaunt to the Caribbean isn’t relaxing if two days are spent in the airport. Towing a toddler a half-mile to the beach? That gets old fast. A well-planned trip helps you avoid stress and frustration.

Pack light. I’m here to tell you, you don’t need that extra pair of jeans or sweatshirt. Lugging around a heavy, overstuffed suitcase is not fun and it’s unlikely you’ll miss what you leave behind. Pack less and make due. What’s the worst that could happen, you have to buy a souvenir sweatshirt?

Have fun. Really, attitude is everything. Your flight is delayed; there is nothing you can do about it. Go buy a magazine and wait it out. Raining every day at the beach? Go shop, hit the movies, or just play in the rain. And if everything goes wrong, well chalk it up; we’ve all been there, and it makes for a great story later on.

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