Current Publishing

Peppermint pig resolutions


It’s the new year, so what else am I going to talk about than that dreaded word – “resolutions.” But, this time it’s resolutions with a twist, or shall I say “pig.”

I’m not sure when or how this tradition even got started, but one year my inner creative mom came bursting out and I stumbled upon a pig, a solid peppermint pig to be exact. It came in a rectangular red box with gold lettering. Inside was a red velvet bag embodying the pig. Enclosed with the pig was a small silver mallet, hard enough to smash the pig into a million pieces, which consequently ended up all over my kitchen floor with tiny remnants that invited swarms of ants by mid-summer (trust me).

Anyway, somehow at some point in the very far away past that I can’t remember now, I decided the peppermint pig would help our family set some serious resolutions, ones that we would actually remember after Jan. 15 and also incorporate into our daily lives, even for my then 8-year old. So, the tradition began and on New Year’s Day we would sit around the kitchen table and pass the pig and mallet. Before each family member took a whack at it, he/she would have to proclaim a resolution and it would have to be written down, most likely on a used napkin, to ensure it would be remembered. Then, the smashing, missing, giggling, and peppermint pieces would start flying.

It is a memorable time each year with some of my favorites goals articulated by my son years ago when he was in Eighth grade. They went something like, “Get an A in Shakespeare,” with his next time around “Improve my beatboxing and voice imitations.” When I challenged him to be more specific (remember Peter Drucker’s S.M.A.R.T. principles?), he responded, “Ok, Mom, I’m going to practice my voices and beatboxing 30 minutes a day!”

May your New Year be filled with much laughter, joy, and maybe a few resolutions. I am actually a big believer in setting goals but also enjoy the many unexpected encounters and experiences each new day and new year brings.

Enjoy the journey in 2013. And, may the pig be with you.

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