Current Publishing

Setting record straight on Walmart

By Leigh Ann Akard

Akard True Value Hardware & Just Ask Rentals would like to set the record straight regarding false information that has either been stated or strongly implied by Walmart representatives during recent meetings.

Akard True Value Hardware, or Leigh Ann Akard, has NOT had any discussions with Walmart about any sort of “partnership.” We did not “partner” with Walmart for the 9/11 Remembrance (Walmart gave a “sponsorship check” to help offset the event cost,) and they are not working in cooperation on product selection with our business. We have NOT partnered with Walmart in any way. We have NOT changed our position or feelings on the impact a Walmart could have to the community of Zionsville!

Akard True Value Hardware & Just Ask Rentals has been proudly serving the community of Zionsville since 1955. This family business started on Main Street and moved to our larger location in the late 1970s to continue to be able to grow and serve the community. In 2011, we made a significant investment to remodel and re-merchandise our store so that we can continue to bring the best to Zionsville.

The Akard family lives in Zionsville, many of our employees live in Zionsville, we graduated (along with some of our staff) from Zionsville Schools, we have family and friends in the community and are privileged to be able to live and work in this wonderful community.

Regardless of where you fall on the issue of whether Walmart should build in Zionsville, there is one thing that we should all be able to agree upon and that is that trying to “name drop” or create a false sense of “partnership” is a deceptive way to try to calm any negative emotions about the possible impact a Walmart could have on the community.

Like the old saying, “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is not true.”

We hope that the residents of Zionsville take the time to become educated and informed about Walmart and attend the upcoming board of zoning appeals and plan commission meetings at town hall, Jan. 8 and Jan. 22 respectively. Also, it is always helpful for your elected representative to hear your thoughts.

We all have a decision as to where we spend our money at the end of the day and hope that people realize that just because they may build it, doesn’t mean you have to shop it!

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