Current Publishing

Don’t forget to notice volunteers

Commentary by Larry Lannan

Christmas is a time of giving. This quote from author Peg Bracken says it best, “Gifts of time and love are surely the basic ingredients of a truly merry Christmas.”

Time and love also are the ingredients that make up the volunteers who regularly serve our Fishers community.

The gifts provided by these volunteers allow Fishers to have many of the programs we often take for granted. It’s a big part of what makes Fishers such a special place to live

Would we have Conner Prairie without volunteers? Would we have our excellent Fishers youth athletic programs without volunteers? Would the YMCA in Fishers be successful without volunteers?

As we count our blessings at Christmastime, take a moment to think about the volunteers you encounter. Think about the volunteer coach for your child’s team. Think about the volunteer allowing your family to enjoy the local YMCA. Think about the volunteer making your visit to Conner Prairie a special experience for your family.

Think about volunteers during the holiday season and give them a card or a note. Even a smile and a thank you will go a long way in making a volunteer feel special. Volunteers should feel special because they are special.

It’s been my privilege to profile volunteers contributing to our civic life in Fishers. As long as Current asks, I’ll continue in 2013 to provide these stories of people so giving of their time and talents.

Allow me to thank the editors of Current for the gift of allowing me to write this column. And allow me a special thanks to Current in Fishers Editor Dan Domsic for profiling my local news blog and asking me to write about volunteers in the Fishers community. Those have been Dan’s special gifts to me.

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