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Sheriff’s Office honors volunteers with national service honor

The Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office announced it has awarded 21 reserve deputies with the President’s Volunteer Service Award, a national honor offered in recognition of volunteer service. Deputy Joe Faucett and Deputy Jeff Mallaber also received the Lifetime Achievement Award.

“These recipients of the President’s Volunteer Service Award are role models for all Americans,” Sheriff Mark Bowen said.  “Each volunteer hour contributed makes a difference in improving the quality of life for others, and I encourage everyone to contribute to our community by volunteering. Volunteers bring us closer together as families, as communities and as a nation, through their commitment.”

In his 2002 State of the Union Address, President George W. Bush created the USA Freedom Corps and called on every American to make a lifelong commitment to volunteer service.

“The President’s Volunteer Service Award recognizes individuals and families who have answered that call,” Bowen said. “America’s volunteers work to make our communities stronger and safer. As a certifying organization for the award program, HCSO is proud to be aligned with this prestigious volunteer award, and we are especially proud of our reserve deputies who have made volunteer service a central part of their lives.”

This is the eighth year that HCSO has participated in the Award program, which was established in 2003. As one of thousands of certifying organizations participating in the program, HCSO confers the award to recognize the outstanding achievements of its reserve deputies. HCSO has a long history of volunteer service, and up to 30 reserve deputies perform community service each year on behalf of the organization.

The Award is issued by the President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation, a group created by President Bush to recognize the valuable contributions volunteers are making to our Nation. Chaired by two-time Super Bowl Champion Darrell Green, with former U.S. Senators Bob Dole and John Glenn as honorary co-chairs, the Council comprises leaders in government, media, entertainment, business, education, nonprofits and volunteer service organizations, and community volunteering.

 Those honored

The following 21 individuals were honored with the President’s Volunteer Service Award (and the number of hours they volunteered): Capt. Jeff Kerns, 1,427; Lt. Joe Morrison, 106; Lt. Matt Snively, 525; Sgt. Ryan Horine, 684; Sgt. Jeff Mallaber, 500; Sgt. Mike Gordon, 892; Dep. Kurt DeLong, 710; Dep. JC Buehler, 500; Dep. Joe Faucett, 705; Dep. John Mills, 535; Dep. Zach SeRine, 66; Dep. Neal Hoard, 1,440; Dep. Justin Whitaker, 960; Dep. Christopher Gray, 500; Dep. David Espling, 620; Dep. Anson Messersmith, 255; Dep. Adam Spafford, 477; Dep. Jeff Larkin, 440; Dep. Nathan Kuhn, 206; Dep. Brian Baker, 208; Dep. Barry Jenhatton, 70; and Dep. Kevin Neal, 866.

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