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Stay active, lose weight with BodyFit

Commentary By April Conard

Have you ever thought that if you had the money to spend on a personal trainer, you would be in the best shape of your life? Someone else to hold you accountable and push you more than you would push yourself? Well, I don’t have someone, but I have something.

It is called the BodyFit Media System, and it is a program designed to keep accurate daily records of calories consumed versus burned making it easier to stay informed, make decisions and more effectively manage your weight. The reason it is so accurate is that you wear it all the time.

These types of systems give you highly accurate information on calories burned, and you would be amazed at how much you can burn simply doing laundry. You might also be amazed at how little you burned during your work out (you probably need to amp it up). It also measures your steps, which can get you off the couch because nothing motivates like meeting a goal.

Calories out is only a piece of the puzzle – calories in is just as important. With this system, you log in your food consumption, and it tallies up your nutrient levels. It will even give you messages to keep you in line. If your fat intake is above the daily amount, it will let you know and give you food suggestions. Many foods are already in the system, but you can also create and save recipes, saving you even more time, perhaps for more exercise!

The third component is the most neglected of the health trifecta, and that is sleep. This tracking device will not only measure the intensity of your workouts and count your calories, it will monitor your quality of sleep, which is an important factor in weight loss.

The system will also give suggestions on ways to reach your caloric burn for that day if you’re off track, and the activity manager also keeps track of your personal bests and will give you motivating words of encouragement.

’Tis the season for gift giving and receiving and this would be a great one! So if for you or someone you love, this is a very effective way to have a healthy start to a new year.

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